zondag 10 juli 2011

What not to do. (male version)

For all the men out there that don't know what women want, a list with what we certainly DON'T want.

1. Do not use the words "don't" and "can't" or the line: "my woman should...".

2. Do not make us wait. We will make you wait for minutes, days and weeks because we know that you will wait it out. We won't.

3. We ask. You deliver. Simple as that.

4. Don not even try to play the games we play. We are naturally born manipulators, liars and crooks. I eat babies for breakfast. (Eating placenta is one of a few sick ways for women to remain some of their beauty)

5. Iene miene mutte, tien pond grutte; wij zullen altijd meer keus hebben dan jullie, so don't go for the impossible.

6. Accept that us women pee, poop, fart, burp, puke and sweat... A wifey that doesn't burp or fart in your presence is a robot or just really really weird.

7. Some of us actually eat and do not live on salads... So: PROVIDE.

8. Here's a secret: we like to be independent and make our own money, but in secret we lie about our salaries to make you feel better about you.

9. See this cute face? These cute eyes? This cute smile?


10. Most of us women do not know what it is that we want; be versatile.

11. If she says she likes you, and you like her; act on it. Timing is key.

12. Never call her a bitch or a hoe. She will never forget and your momma did not raise you like that.

13. Do not ask questions if you can not handle the possible reaction.

14. Never tell a woman or a girl that she is not wifey material. Every fiber in us tell us to be that woman.

For the right man.

15. We change when someone is worth changing for.

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